Research Pulse
SCRF Interviews
SCRF Interviews - Season 2 Trailer

SCRF Interviews - Season 2 Trailer

Welcome to Season #2 of SCRF Interviews, which returns Wed, Oct 26th.

This season begins with a special episode recorded live from Bogota, discussing SafeDAO governance. We follow that with a 7-episode deep dive into the work of the BlockScience team who built an open-sourced cadCAD (complex adaptive dynamics Computer-Aided Design).

For a glimpse into the season, we will feature:
- SafeDAO Governance with John Governance Operator and Core Contributor at SafeDAO, and Renee Davis, the Founder of talentDAO.
- Engineering Methodology with Matthew Barlin, the Lead Systems Engineer at BlockScience, and Jeff Emmett, the Communication Lead.
- Intro to Data & Measurement in Web3 with David Sisson, Senior Engineer at BlockScience, and Kelsie Nabben, the Lead Social Scientist.
- Computational Science in Web3 with Danilo Bernardineli, Senior Engineer at BlockScience, and Jeff Emmett, the Communication Lead.
- Role of Formal Methods in Complex Systems Design with Jamsheed Shorish, Senior Research Scientist, and Michael Zargham, CEO and Founder of BlockScience.
- Challenges & Opportunities in Governance with Kelsie Nabben, the Lead Social Scientist at BlockScience, and Eric Christopher Alston, Scholar In Residence and Faculty Director at University of Colorado Boulder.
- Computer Aided Governance with Michael Zargham, CEO and Founder of BlockScience, and Jeff Emmett, the Communication Lead.
- Community and Governance with Jessica Zartler, Communications Advisor & Researcher at BlockScience.

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Research Pulse
SCRF Interviews
SCRF Interviews podcast from the Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF) brings together researchers and practitioners to explore pressing research problems in web3.