Research Pulse
SCRF Interviews
Treasury Management - Bull Trapper and Darcy Allen (Ep. 4)

Treasury Management - Bull Trapper and Darcy Allen (Ep. 4)

Welcome to the first episode in a new mini-series, co-hosted by RMIT, focusing on treasury management and funding public goods. This week Yearn Finance’s Bull Trapper and RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub senior research fellow Dr. Darcy Allen, chat with RMIT’s Chris Berg and SCRF’s Eugene Leventhal. At issue: what unique challenges does treasury management present for web3 and how do you balance diversification with growth and other long-term goals?

Bull Trapper
Twitter: @iearnfinance

Dr. Darcy Allen
Personal website:

Blockchain Innovation Hub:
Twitter: @DrDarcyAllen

What unique challenges does treasury management present for web3? A new mini-series co-hosted with @blockchainrmit the first episode features a conversation between @iearnfinance’s Bull Trapper and @drdarcyallen, moderated by @chrisberg and @bbeats1

Research Pulse
SCRF Interviews
SCRF Interviews podcast from the Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF) brings together researchers and practitioners to explore pressing research problems in web3.